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Found 537 results for any of the keywords of prato. Time 0.007 seconds.
Province of PratoTourist information about the Province of Prato in Tuscany, Italy. This province was created in 1992 from a part of the Province of Florence.
Villa ArtiminoVilla medicea di Artimino, also known as La Ferdinanda and the villa of one hundred chimneys. located in the Province of Prato
Villa di Poggio a CaianoThe villa is located in the Province of Prato and is a splendid example of the villas built by Lorenzo de Medici il Magnifico .
Villa La Foce Iris Origo Villa La FoceLa Foce :: Villa La Foce and farm near Montepulciano home of the late Iris Origo author of the Merchant of Prato
Province of Pistoia - things to see and doThe Province of Pistoia, although easily accessible from Florence or Lucca, is unjustly neglected by visitors to Tuscany.
Palazzo Incontri-Viti, a villa museum located in Volterra, TuscanyPalazzo Incontri-Vitii, is a splendid, opulently furnished palazzo situated in Volterra, Tuscany, open to the public from April to November.
Provinces of TuscanyThe Italian Region of Tuscany is divided into ten provinces which exhibit considerable diversity in terms of landscape and urban centres etc.
Map of TuscanyClickable map of locations of interest in Tuscany and Umbria, Italy
Church of Santi Apostoli, Piazza del Limbo, FlorenceThe Church of Santi Apostoli is a Romanesque church located in the historic centre of Florence - one of the oldest churches in Florence.
Learn Italian in Tuscany or via SkypeItalian lessons in Tuscany plus Italian courses over the internet via Skype with your Italian live Italian teacher
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